Tico Be Like

Tico Be Like is a project for those who plan to visit or move abroad to Costa Rica at some point in their lives, as well as expats who are already living here. This project aims to help foreigners go smoothly through the process of learning how to navigate the country and communicate effectively with the locals, by learning the Spanish language and the Tico slang (which is heavily used here), while understanding the Costa Rican culture.

The program has been logically designed and tested along the way, turning real-time feedback into valuable input and therefore, a much better and realistic outcome. It takes into account numerous needs, expectations, challenges, and struggles foreigners experience while being abroad in Costa Rica. 

Minimize stress, maximize comfort and save time by learning what’s necessary and useful here. Get to know the raw Costa Rica and the locals’ do’s and don’ts. Ask all your questions in a safe environment, and get accurate resources, honest information, and personalized advice to understand all you need to know to visit safely or design your dream life in paradise. 


Live your own version of the Pura Vida lifestyle, get access to the best deals, eliminate unnecessary struggles and avoid bad experiences, because you don’t have to get through this process alone, experimenting by yourself, and because we would love to be there for you.


Help foreigners learn how to be safe and comfortable in Costa Rica based on their own version of the Pura Vida lifestyle by teaching them all they need to know to understand the Costa Rican culture and communicate effectively with locals in Spanish, while learning at their own pace, feeling supported and getting exclusive insights to enjoy the best paradise has to offer.

Become the foreigner’s preferred ally when traveling, moving or living abroad in Costa Rica. 

Kaizen. Change for the better. Continuous improvement can be applied to all aspects of life.  

Why is the project called Tico Be Like?

It’s our desire that you feel very welcome in Costa Rica and that you don’t feel that you’re in a completely foreign country, especially if you’re calling it your current or future home. Learning how things work here in a realistic and practical way will give you the tools you need to be more efficient and feel more confident and comfortable out there.

Knowing what Ticos (Costa Ricans) know will be a game changer, and while you can’t be a true Tico because you weren’t born here, you can become a Tico Be Like and learn how to navigate the country well.

Why is the logo a parrot?



Parrots are clever animals that learn by imitation and repetition. When you teach them how to talk, they usually talk a lot too, and that’s exactly what Costa Ricans mean when saying: “Habla como lora”


Daily communication with the locals to get things done by yourself is crucial in Costa Rica. Learning what you can and cannot imitate and repeat is what you must certainly do at the beginning to make it easier and more efficient for yourself and your learning process. Then practice will master it. 


The good thing about it? The locals here love to hear foreigners speaking Spanish, using local slang and making the extra effort to communicate, even when they’re just beginners, so get out there and “Habla como lora”.

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